Welcome to HorseSong Coaching


The image of the horse represents my coaching business, not only because I do, in fact, partner with horses for certain coaching services, but because horses have qualities I work to emulate as a coach, qualities you might do well to embrace to live and work more fully….to sing out in full voice.

We readily recognize the power and strength of horses.  We admire their grace and beauty, but there are other qualities, less recognized, perhaps, but more significant as they apply to coaching.  Horses are authentic, they are curious, and they are intuitive.  I work to bring these same qualities into my coaching and encourage my clients to discover how these qualities can serve in their personal lives and in their lives at work.

HorseSong offers life and other personal growth coaching, as well as professional development and corporate training. And if you’d like, the horses can join us. Please take your time exploring all that HorseSong Coaching has to offer, and I look forward to working with you.

- Martha Keeler Olsen, Coach/Facilitator


personal Life Coaching

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professional Development and Training

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Equine Guided Learning

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